Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twosome Tuesday: Introductions

I am not a relationship expert, just thought I should throw that out there. However I am currently in an almost three year long relationship with my boyfriend, let's call him C, who I live with in a small townhouse with two chihuahuas. This is my first relationship of the really serious variety and I must say everyday is a new adventure.

Lately we've been talking a lot about the "E" word, and yes I mean engaged. Actually I should rephrase that, I've been talking a lot about the "E" word and he has been doing a lot of eye rolling and trying hard not to say anything that might remotely make me bring it up. The funny thing is I know that he loves me, no question in my mind so why do guys so strongly oppose marriage?

I know that in his case he has never really seen one work out successfully but I think it's more than that. I think there is a natural aversion of most (not all but most) men to the idea of marriage. I've tried talking about it less and I've tried talking about it more. Neither really seems to help. Every once in a while he will start talking about it without prompting and it seems like he's coming around and then the next day, back to square one. 

In your experience what was your guys problem with holy matrimony?

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